The Castle Of Koroni in Messinia
The castle of Koroni is erected in the south part of the city of Koroni Messinia. In the classical years it was a simple, plain fort but it later became a byzantine fort, which was conquered by the Franks (the French) of the 4th crusade in 1205. With the treaty of the island of Sapientza (1209) it was given to Venetians, which they turned into a fort for their port in order to promote their commercial products. In August 1500, it is conquered by the Turks and many residers flee for Zakynthos, Kefallonia and later for Lower Italy. In 1532, the emperor of German and Spain, Charles the 5th, wanting to create a distraction and provoke the sultan Souleiman the Magnificent, he sends armed forces to the Peloponnese with the admiral Andrea Doria. Doria's expedition was a failure and he had to leave Methoni in 1534 taking 2000 refugees from Koroni who settled in Lower Italy. The Venetians come back (1685-1715) with Frank Morozini. In 1715, the Turks come back and stay until 1828 turkish families settle in the castle and both social and financial decay starts, which is completed with the bombardment of Orlof (1770). In 1828, it is liberated and given to the Greek goverment by the French general Maizon with Nikitaras as commandant.
Today, most of this castle is in ruins but, the old-calendar convent of holy John the Baptist, the ruined Byzantine temple of St. Sophia, the church of St. Haralambos and the «RESAPTO», a place to honour the Greek fighters who tried to conquer the castle in 1824, are preserved. In addition, the hewn tombs, Venectian reservoirs, Turkish baths and the magnificent «domes» are preserved. In every corner of the castle there is a «dome», that is, a gunpowder storehouse or bizihanes, while the best «dome» was blown up the Germans in 1944 during their withdrawal.
The Castle & Fortress of Methoni
The castle of Methoni is at the southernmost point of the west coast of the Peloponnese in a place which had been fortified since the 7th century B.C. Until 1204 A.D. it was used as a fort for the Byzantines while in 1209 A.D. the Eneti, acccording to the treaty of Sapientza, they become the lords of the area and establish Methoni as a financial centre and a commercial port when the castle meets with great development, is fortified and is built according to Venetian architecture. In 1500 A.D., it is conquered by the Turks of Vagiazit the 2nd when the region and the castle itself fall into decline. The castle was conquered in 1685 by Frank Morozini and his expeditionary force. In 1715 it is conquered by the Turks with Damat Ali Pasha and Methoni becomes the headquarters of the Pasha of W. Messinia from Methoni to Alfios(Poufia). It is liberated in 1828 by the expeditionary forces of general Nikolaos Maizon.
In the castle there are remnants of urban and ecclesiastic structures, the ruins of the byzantine church of St. Sophia, the ruins of Turkish baths, the ruins of a building which was used as a shelter for Ibrahem Pasha and the French general Maizon after 1828 as well as the church of the Transformation of our Saviour which was built by the french liberating force in 1833. In the south of the castle and on a small island, there is Bourtzi, which is an octagon fort with symmetrical walls and full of embrasures.
Niokastro in Pylos
There are two castles by the bay of Navarino and close to the city of Pylos; the newer castle of Navarino or Niokastro, and the Frank the Paliokastro or Palionavarino (Palio = old). Niokastro was constructed in 1573 by the Turks and was under their possession until 1686 when it surrendered to the Eneti. In 1715, the Turks reinvaded Niokastro as well as Koroni and Palionavarino. In 1825, Ibrahem Pasha becomes the lord of Niokastro and until 1828, when it is liberated by the French general Mezon. During World War 2 it mainly serves as the basis for the Italian and later the German headquarters. The re-erected hexagonal fort of Niokastro is used today as a Museum and Centre for Submarine (=Enalion) Archaeological Research.
The most important monuments and architectural totals are the Lower and Upper Castle.The Compound-Lower castle is the bigger of the two parts spreads on the slope of the hill and its perimeter is 1566 m. It takes up on area of 80.000 m2 and it's built with hewn limestone. The Upper castle is a hexagonal fort with strong ramparts and projecting bastions which cover five out of its six corners.
The church of the transformation of the Saviour; Cross-shaped church with a gothic-style dome which was built by the Franks. It functioned as a Muslim mosque first and subsequently as a Christian Church. General Mezon's building is a rectangular two-storey building, with stones of the early 19th century, in which, after its restoration, there is a museum and offices.
The Castle of Kalamata
It is situated behind the north part of the church of the Candlemas of our Saviour and it is believed that it's where the Acropolis of the homeric (1580-1120 B.C) and classical Faron (palace of Ortilohos and later Diokles) was. The medieval castle was built by Godefredo Villeardouino in 1205 A.D. and underwent many alterations inconstruction and additions by its subsequent lords; the Byzantines of Mystras, the Turks and the Eneti of Morozini. The entrance is dominated by the lion of St. Mark, a sample of the Eneti era, while in and around the castle have been found ostraka (fragments)and remains of the Mycaenean and Roman years as well as tombs of the hellenistic and roman era. On the north side there is a small byzantine temple and it has been speculated that it was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary the Kalomata, after which, according to some, Kalamata was named.
The Castle Of Kyparissia
The castle which constituted the acropolis of ancient Kyparissia was built in the Upper Part of the Kyparissia and overlooked the blue endlessness of the Ionian sea as well as the tame valley. The Lower Walls have been built according to the symmetrical style of fortification which constitutes a sign of mycaenaic style architecture, while during the Byzantine years, and under Justinian's ruling, the castle is restored and on the four corners, four turrets were built from which only the eastern one is saved.